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雅思词汇解析(68)| 商业经济

November 22, 2023

2雅思词汇解析 | | 栏目推送说明





1. loan /ləʊn/

n. 贷款;借款;

e.g The entrepreneur presented a detailed business plan to the bank to support his request for a startup loan to launch his innovative tech company.


entrepreneur 企业家

startup adj. (费用)创办所需的,起始阶段的,启动的

start-up n. 新公司

e.g. James decided to take out a student loan to cover his tuition fees and pursue his dream of attending a prestigious university.

补充:tuition fee 学费

prestigious 有声望的

n. 借用


loan period/ times 借书期限;

loan policy 借书政策

雅思听力5-2-1:loan times: 4 weeks.

对应原文:How long can I have them for?

Well, you can have both fiction and reference books for four weeks which is not bad really.

2. barter /'bɑːtə/

v. 以物易物;交换货物

常见搭配:barter A for B 用A来换取B

e.g. They bartered farm products for machinery.

e.g. In ancient times, people used to barter goods and services to meet their basic needs.

n. 物物交易制度

如去年疫情封空期间出现的barter trade

e.g. For many of Shanghai’s 25 million residents, the city’s strict Covid lockdown has made procuring food and daily necessities a struggle money can’t resolve. They’re resorting instead tobartering, trading neighbors ice cream for vegetables or wine for cake.

3. bust /bʌst/

adj. 破产的;倒闭的?

常见搭配:go bust

e.g. During the economic recession, many companies went bust.

e.g. After years of financial mismanagement, the once-thriving company unfortunately had to go bust, leaving many employees without jobs.

补充:economic recession 经济衰退; 不景气


go from boom to bust 从繁荣到衰败

boom-and-bust adj. 经济繁荣与萧条交替的

e.g. The Mexican economy went from boom to bust very quickly.

e.g. In the gold industry, boom-and-bust cycles last an average of 10 years.

4. profit

n. 利润;收益;盈利;

搭配:make a(n) big /enormous /modest/ substantial profit

e.g. She makes a substantial profit from selling waste material to textile companies.

e.g. Entrepreneurs strive to innovate and optimize their businesses to maximize profit margins.

adj. profitable 盈利的;有利润的;赚钱的

e.g. Despite the economic challenges, the company remained profitable due to its strategic cost-cutting measures and innovative product offerings.


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